increasingly come into focus

increasingly come into focus teriminin İngilizce - Türkçe sözlükteki anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe
increasingly come into focus giderek daha fazla odaklanmak

increasingly come into focus terimi için benzer kelimeler ve anlamları

come into focus odaklanmak
come back into focus tekrar odaklanmak
have come into focus odağa girmiş
have come into sharper focus daha net odaklanın
come into sharper focus daha net odaklanmak
come into sharp focus keskin odaklanmak
has come into focus odak haline geldi
would come into sharper focus daha net odaklanacaktı
has come into sharper focus daha net odaklanmaya başladı
whose focus is increasingly odak noktası giderek daha fazla
focus is increasingly odak giderek daha fazla
focus increasingly giderek daha fazla odaklanmak
increasingly a focus of attention giderek artan bir ilgi odağı
come into into force yürürlüğe girmek
have increasingly come to giderek daha fazla gelmek
come increasingly under giderek daha altında olmak
come increasingly under threat giderek tehdit altında olmak
will increasingly come from giderek daha fazla gelecek
has come to rely increasingly giderek daha fazla güvenmeye başladı
increasingly being smuggled into giderek daha fazla içine gizlice sokulmak
come to focus odaklanmaya gel
come one come all bir gel tam gel
come came come gel gel gel
come rain or come shine yağmur yağ ya da parla
come o come gel o gel
i come come from geliyorum gel
come, come along gel hadi
bring into focus odaklanmak
brought into focus odağa getirildi
comes into focus odak haline gelir
came into focus odağa geldi
brings into focus odak haline getirir
coming into focus odaklanmak
put into focus odaklanmak
into sharp focus keskin odak haline
bringing into focus odak haline getirmek
brought into sharp focus keskin odak haline getirildi
into sharper focus daha net odaklanma
bring into sharper focus daha net odaklanmak
brings into sharp focus keskin odak haline getirir
brought back into focus odağa geri döndü
snap into sharp focus keskin odaklanma
back into focus odağa geri dön
bring back into focus tekrar odak haline getirmek
be brought into focus odağa alınmak
are brought into focus odak haline getirildi
is brought into sharp focus keskin odak haline getirildi
comes into sharp focus keskin odak haline gelir
throw into sharp focus keskin odaklanmak
sharply brought into focus keskin bir şekilde odaklanıldı